Sunday, August 9, 2020

Think Happy Thoughts

Think Happy Thoughts Im generating graphs, and have been since 8pm. They tend to start out looking messed up, like this: And eventually looking much more reasonable, like this: I stress eventually . I think that if anyone understands how I feel about being stuck in an Athena cluster generating graphs all night, it is this disgruntled bull. Although the 22 other students in the cluster with me may have some idea as well. On an almost completely unrelated note, I recently learned a great mnemonic for the stock market types: Bulls attack by thrusting their horns up in the air and bears attack by swiping down. So a bull market is one in which the market is moving up and a bear market is one in which its moving down! But back to the bull in the picture. He isnt just any bull; hes from Honduras. And so he brings back some amazing memories of the trip I got to take last January with D-Lab. There have already be several blogs about how awesome D-Lab is. This ones a nice overview. Im too sleepy to add much to them at this point, but maybe later I can tell you more about Honduras (There were all sorts of adventures, some of which involved crocodiles!). For now Ill just allow myself one more picture (of our rope pump!) and get back to work. :) Remembering Honduras makes me happy so does company. Let me know if youre out there working too! Post Tagged #D-Lab

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